
Peace on Earth 

There is no doubt that most people would like to see Peace on Earth among the Nations but Peace does not come easily. There is usually some war or other troubles somewhere on this Planet and if we want to see Peace on Earth we have to help bring about World Peace.

One way for people who have no political power, or other ways to help bring about that World Peace, is by Prayer. Those who are believers can ask their god or goddess to help bring Peace on Earth. Those who are not believers but still want to contribute can do so by sending out ‘thoughts of peace’ and visualizing the Planet being filled with peace.

The greater the number of people that do this the quicker Peace will, eventually, be on Earth one day, brought upon this Planet by the thoughts, the prayers and the aspirations of those who wished to bring Peace on Earth. 

This is your invitation to pray for World Peace, whoever you are, wherever you are! 

You don’t need to go to a church, to a mosque, to a temple or to any other building to pray for Peace but you can pray for world peace wherever you are.

Feel the peace while praying or visualizing the Peace descending on Earth and feel the joy of taking part with others to bring Peace on  Earth. Remember that even just 5 minutes of your day will make a difference!!